You need a local agency to secure your payments in French Polynesia ?
All the requests handled in amicable collection can't succeed. Sometimes setting up a legal procedure is the more appropriate option.
The experience and the expertise of our team for will express an honest opinion on the interest of this option.
Knowledge and proceeding of the local market to maximize your cash recovery
"The judicial collection, consists in obtaining a judicial decision adapted to the debtor's patrimonial situation to make him sentence to the payment of let us be due completed possibly by suspended interests and procedure's expenses."
Act upon issuance of the invoice to detect as soon as commercial litigation and avoid unpaid
Court Action has helped clients reclaim their debts when no other methods have previously worked.
These procedures can consume considerable time and costs, while the verdict is often insecure
From the due date, our teams take over to improve the payment deadline
As a result of our routine and considerable experience, combined with efficient production processes, Titaura'a Tarahu are able to deliver fast action without ever compromising on quality.
We even offer you a fixed price guarantee on an entire procedure.
Dr Cassiau Street 15
Gondrand Building
1st floor
BP 21124
98713 Papeete
Tel : +689.
mail : contact
Our approach : to allow you to obtain a judicial decision to make all the procedures of seizures during 10 years and give you all the chances to recover your claims.
Sometimes a judicial debt collection procedure is the best option to still recover your funds.
For legal action, the documentation which proves your debt is very important. You will need to allow for translation costs for the documents, official certification.
Before judicial debt collection is kicked off, we’ll naturally review the debtor’s economic circumstances beforehand to assess the benefits of such a move for our creditor.
If judicial summonsing has a realistic chance of success, and the debts are undisputed, we’ll initiate judicial action and compulsory execution upon the debtor’s assets, and accompany you in the judicial-summons and compulsory-execution proceedings in a debt-collection process.
Many debtors capitulate and pay up when bailiff present them the compulsory execution order.
Expenses committed by the creditor within the framework of the procedure (expenses - article 708 of the polynesian civil procedure code) stay, on judicial decision, chargeable to the debtor and to see the debtor forced to adjust you your debt in main thing but also all the collection charges and the late charges.