SINCE 1992
You need a local agency to secure your payments in French Polynesia ? 
Knowledge and proceeding of the local market to maximize your cash recovery 
Make your an online payment and use directly your VISA or MASTERCARD credit card. 
Please insert your amount (ex : 10000 or 20000), your debt ID, you need it to validate your payment.

Use the converter if necessary after having selected your currency and type the amount in XFP without decimals. Click to "CONFIRM".
Act upon issuance of the invoice to detect as soon as commercial litigation and avoid unpaid
Cash Recovery
Make your an online payment and use directly your VISA or MASTERCARD credit card. 
Please insert your amount (ex : 10000 or 20000), your debt ID, you need it to validate your payment.

Use the converter if necessary after having selected your currency and type the amount in XFP without decimals. Click to "CONFIRM".
From the due date, our teams take over to improve the payment deadline

Amount (no comma) in XPF
Your file number :
Your e-mail adress :